In an unreal garden of strange beauty, nestled somewhere on the outskirts of the human psyche, beings undergo transformations as the passing seasons unfold. Through a choreography where intensity often reveals itself in restraint, the body-landscapes confront the elements, gather together to better survive, and find solace together in the calm moments. Destined for unceasing metamorphosis, they become sensitive witnesses to the perpetual tremor of things.

Play Video

Director : Alan Lake

Choreography : Alan Lake in collaboration with the dancers

Dancers : David Rancourt, Esther Rousseau-Morin, Arielle Warnke St-Pierre, Odile-Amélie Peters

Director of photography : François Gamache

Music : Simon Elmaleh

Assistant director : Pierre-René Bonnette

Assistant camera : Julie Pelletier

Artistic director : Alan Lake et Jean-Nicolas Demers

Artistic assistant : Isabelle Lapierre

Set : Jean-Nicolas Demers

Set technician : Kevin Lachance

head machinist : Jonathan Dubé

Head electro : Steve Renaud

Assistant production : Sébastien Varennes

Making of : Nellie Carrier

Buffet : Kathleen Hébert

With financial support of Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, Conférence régionale des élus de la Capitale-Nationale, Forum Jeunesse de la région de la capitale-nationale

Contribution of SPIRAFILM, Ex machina, Saga , Studio Élément

Editing : Jason Arbour

Online editing : Patrick Bourque

Infographist : Thierry Roussel-Garneau

Colorist : Éric Denis

Projet manager : Laurie C. Laberge

Postproduction : Jean-François Dugal

Thank you to Nellie Carrier, Amélie Bédard, Fabien Piché, Vincent Masson, Diamant and everyone involved in this film.

© Photos – François Gamache